5 Best ways to react on insult

Insult is something that hurt our feelings. We always get insulting complements in our life. But sometimes we feel bad and sometimes we ignore.

5 Best ways to react on insult

Insults not mean someone insulting you directly, it can be a comment or complement but it is meaningful and its meaning posses your insult. So our reaction should proper and good.

I have  very interesting example, You know about Mughal empire in sub-continent. One Mughal ruler, King Akbar passed from the world. He was ruler of large sub-continent in India. When he become King after his father. He ruled decently. Once a time he goes to his native village where he become young in consideration of his family masters. There he met with his childhood friends they called "Him with his nick name even when he was king of sub-continent. Akbar feels insults on it. This example shows that family and childhood friends don't loose the chance to remember you your thin past. We will discover best way to react to an insult.

In fact  some families do this same insults phenomena with small school going guys.

There are ways to react best on insult:

1. wait for good

You shouldn't worry boys and girls, If someone insults you, you should close your lips and wait for next same chance due which you get insulted. Next time, when you do same task perfectly then your family will impressed by you and they will feel guilty by themselves which they insult you. But if you argue on your first mistake then you try to good for next time but you will go behind the wall. Insults is nothing but feeling and understanding. This is best react on your Insult.
This can be called good roasts. And this attitude will enhance your dignity in society.

2. Anger

Reaction of anger on insults  may be due following reasons:

1. You accept the bad wording or blaming of your insulter

2. You have thin temper that is ready to lose every time, this may hit your personality

3. You don't consider the way of talking, in this way you are bringing him/her to your 
level or going to his/her level

4. you haven't proper reason to prove him/her wrong in his/her opnion which is about you.

So, your reaction with anger loose everything from you and you will count also same as insulting or rude people in public opinion. 

Be calm and careful at that moment. This way is beautiful reaction on insults.

There are many ways to react when someone insults you.


3.Calm down yourself


When anyone use harsh words for you. you should listen them carefully. I'm not saying that you should accept his insult. Not absolutely not. Just give him a chance to say his whole opinion. After his/her speech you will calm down yourself and go away from that person who insult you.  

Sometimes you get insult from your father, mother, elder/older siblings and sometimes from your boss. They are all respectable for you. When you show no reaction to them then their feeling of dignity itself say them that you did bad with him/her.
Think in mind that " If you insult me i must give value your opinion ".

4. React immediately

Some people come in your life only for degrading and insult  yourself in your eyes or in public eyes. These types of people have no fairness with your career or life. So, when these types of people insult you. You should react immediately and say them that this isn't your headache. This is my life and my problem. So, be away from myself and focus on your work. Please do this when you realize that these people fall in this category. 

Otherwise it can be much more loss of your fair campnion. In this case insult is count stair of success.

5. Understand way of Insult Happenning

Some people are love you by heart. They don't want your bad time. So, sometimes these people when realize that you are going on wrong way. And you aren't stopping by simple warnings. So, they insult you but their mean isn't hurts you. So listen them carefully and understand their point of view. Don't loose your temper if they are junior in your life.
Never forget your insult because it has seeds of your success.

Learning is a more or less permanent change in behavior, or a behavioral tendency, as a result of experience. We should always learn something in our day.

What's best way to react to an insult to feel happy

5 Best ways to react on insult

1. Long drive

When you feel upset and sorrow after listening insult and get keys of your car and goes on long drive. Long drive isn't meant by fast driving. Go with slow accelerator and put down window. Enjoy air blows and reach your best pizza point. Then enjoy your best food and Don't think about your insult. Just think for next and do smile. This is is personal theropy which will work I know. This best to react on insult for your body.

2. Call your friend

When you feel anxiety and your self-esteem is down after getting insult and you couldn't afford long drive. Then you should definitely pick your phone and call your best friend. Talk to him light and don't show your anxiety on him/her. Just talk for friendship and recall best moments with him/her. It will help your anxiety to run from your body. This is best way to react on insult.

3. Head down in mother's lap

Whenever you feel anxiety in your life just go to your mother's room and put your head down in her lap. And smile while seeing her face. She will smile in against and all anxiety will gone off. I love this way to react to an family insult.

5 Best ways to react on insult

4. Read your favorite book

Yes, reading is best way feel happy. But only for those who love books. If you have favorite book anyone then must read it because it is cheap and easy way to get rid off your bad feelings. In all these ways we overcome hurting feeling because these are best ways to respond on Insult.


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