How to be more productive person with these 8 habits

How to be productive is common question asked by me. I learn a lot on productive behavior. I find formula for more constructive work. I'm giving  this formula to you. It is my personal study experience because i am columnist, who write articles in Newspaper. Be careful before understanding for lot of constructive work. This is best solution for to be productive.

How to be more productive

Don't do these five things

1. Avoid retardations during constant work

2. Avoid social media during productive work

3. Avoid favorite food for to be more productive

4. Avoid mobile if you work on laptop or outside

5. Turn off your phone for random calls

5 ways to be more productive

You need to understand your attitude before you become productive.

  • 1. Understand Your Behavior Before

Behavior is key for building our life. Think over some questions mentioned below:

Q1. What is your behavior with poor?

Q2. What is your behavior with rich?

Q3. Are you find difference between them?

Let move on other two questions.

Q1. What is your behavior with your enemies?

Q2. What is your behavior with friends?

You have lot of difference in your behavior with your friends and enemies. I know you satisfied on this second difference. But think for a second that are you try to give some benefits to your enemies?. You do not. 

Do you know why you not do this?

Because you enjoy your enemies. How? I tell you. When you think that your enemies become your friend then you will lose something. What something? I tell you. You lose your public opinion which you flourish in public against enemy.  Alas! You doing bad. And even poor people are equally able for your same polite behavior.

Solution for good behavior

7 ways to approach good behavior for productive work:

1. Contact back your mind as owner

2. Say, it reduce think about people response on my deeds

3. Say it, to stop thinking about your status when come in front of human being

4. Say it, Don't discriminate white and black

5. Say it, Never Give up

6. Say it, stay active to empower others

7. Say it, forgive five times a day to everyone

  • 2. Smile on failure for productive work

Yes, always give great welcome to your failures for productive work. Because your failures except sadness from you. You should sad them with your smile. Yes, make a great smile. Keep in mind to learn something from it. Yes, only learn something. Something means.... means 🤔, yes its means learn cure of last mistake which you made in past failure. Because 90% or more your last mistake always is a great mis take in failure. You will be more productive.

  • 3. Don't get fear of obstacles and keep try up

In our whole lifetime, there is no time when we not see obstacles in decision making but always ignore them before they come on. Because if you take them seriously in decision making, definitely you will worried and go back your hut. It isn't right. Make decision without any fear. Remove obstacles on time not before.

Fail, fail, fail, fail, and success. We try whole life for one success. But it holds many failures behind the scene. But don't worry. 
Mack Ja said that if you become successful your every mistake become legendary.
Don't take fear of failures. I love everything and everyone. Do you know why? Because i don't know. I respect you as respected human being. This is my lifestyle, i love people, i respect people and i appreciate them. Sometimes, i appreciate them even i know they are doing un-useful activity, because i know when i  stop him/her, then definitely she/he will lose hope and give up everything. This is necessary for their hope for their inspiration. 
Definitely, no one can stop you to be more productive.

How to be more productive

  • 4. Avoid retardations

When you sit on table for more productive work then keep small phone not smart phone. And replace somethings from others mentioned below

 1. Replace headphones from Bluetooth device

 2. Replace screen from mobile to laptop

 3.Replace jolly mind with serious one

4. Replace yourself from bedroom to drawing room

5. Replace friends from official colleagues.

5. Work smarter than harder

Always do smart work it is better than hard work. If you are not smart guy then don't worry. Then you work with smart people. Yes, acknowledge their smart work ability and push them up. Allah Almighty will also bring you up with them. May be you goes high then other.

For example, if you want to write a English article of 5000 words. Then don't start typing if you not know it. Just go on software and start writing with your voice. If you are also unable don't work, hire a typist for your work. 

How to be more productive

8 Easy Habits Must Adopt

1. Done your work with dedication

2. Divide project in milestones

3. Must give some time to your body

4. Give some time to your family

5. Reasearch about your project

6. Follow your competitor 

7. Decide to lead your competitor

8. Just decide goals of your project before


Two lines are not enough for conclusion "how to be more productive?" So, i say you one thing that always empower other people. This is success key of life of you i know. And you can do productive work.
